Published in the AKC Breed book!
Awesome news!
On my original blog I did a post about a shoot from this summer of an American Water Spaniel (owned by a lovely woman by the name of Linda Hattrem). She was sending in a photo from our shoot to be used in her breed's section of the new updated version of the AKC's Breed book. Very exciting! I love seeing my work in print, and having it published in a widely used and known book is really quite fantastic.
This past weekend on my way to a show I contacted AKC to see what kind of release they needed, and two calls and about eight people later I finally had the woman on the phone that I needed. We talked, she sent me the necessary release, and I found out there were a few things she still needed for their book. New Project!
I'm super excited to be a part of this! With my list of shots, I now embark on a photogrtaphic canine treasure hunt!