Evil Queens Part 1 : Maleficent
I *Finally* sat down and found the right wings for this piece! It took quite a bit of sorting in my crazy mess of Africa photos, even with the list of everything we spotted while there. I'm a bit terrible at staying on top of my blogging but this year I'm changing that...slowly haha. I've actually been marking off time to catch up on creative projects and share shoots, planning more and DOING more art. Client and critter photos everywhere as usual but I'm focusing in on conceptual story telling so much more and really getting into the writing of a very exciting project. Soon I'll need pup models!!!
TaBetha’s makeup skills are out of this world! I cannot wait to show you what we have planned next. The concepts for this coming season and the talent involved is insane! I have a dragon obsession. If they were real my house would have burned down long ago in a Hagrid-like disaster of epic proportions. Note-If you love the dragon in the photo above and want one of your own, look up Ravendark Creations on Etsy. They have a limited number of commissions left available for the Drogon/GOT style guys like this. I love them for fantasy shoots and will be using them in upcoming fantasy sessions. The detail is seriously insane.
Do you think Maleficent was evil or just misunderstood? What evil queen would YOU like to see next?
Hair & Makeup by TaBetha Morrison Hair & Makeup Artist
Model is Amanda Beard
Headpiece by CreatureHabits on Etsy
Dragon by Ravendark Creations on Etsy
Love this shoot? Leave us a comment! Want to book your own? CLICK HERE to contact us or email abcandidstudio@gmail.com or call us at 517-672-9323.