Summer Fruit & Flowers
This summer I did a TON of canning, baking, and preserving with the bounty from my garden, and friends gardens! With the excessive amount of gourds and volunteer squash that popped up here, there wasn’t a ton of room for actual veggies in my garden, but I think they did pretty ok.
Above are a few squash blossoms, photographed right before they were stuffed with cheese and fried (YUM). If you haven’t tried squash blossoms before, they’re also amazing in a frittata! It doesn’t matter what type of squash the flowers come from, they all work well for cooking with.
Below- a full bushel of peaches from my friend’s home orchard. These were so sweet! My favorite recipe we tried was the Peach Preserves. The two mature trees on her farm produced an absolute ton of fruit this year. From spiced boozy peaches to sweet salsa and several jams, we cooked up a ton of different recipes. I will now have peach stuff everywhere forever. Send help.
I have not yet mastered the art of pretty pie crusts… but still delicious! This was a blue raspberry pie.
Now what to make next…